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Threads of Peru Blog

Cooking class – Rumira Sondormayo

Cooking class – Rumira Sondormayo

At the end of 2009 we concluded that we wanted a more holistic approach to our work in the communities. Careful analysis and consideration led us to conclude that improving the quality of weavings and buying them from people - that then spent their money somewhat unwisely was not sustainable development.

New President Maria Quispe Cruz (centre) watches attentively

New President Maria Quispe Cruz (centre) watches attentively

In 2010 we will continue to focus on the improvement of weaving skills, but accompany these workshops with classes/sessions or workshops in life skills – nutrition, cooking, hygiene, child care, alcohol use, and domestic violence.  

We kicked off with a cooking class in Rumira Sondormayo, led by Apus Peru´s head cook, Martin . A native Quechua speaker from the Quispicanchis region, Martin was at first overwhelmed by the challenge of teaching some 15 women a new dish to cook in their own homes. However, he took to the task like a duck to water and in the end they prepared three dishes, two soups and a main. The dishes used native ingredients like wheat, quinoa, pumpkin… Kelsey noticed that the women learned to sauté onions and garlic! 

Martin during the class.

Martin during the class.

Their cooking class was accompanied by a spinning workshop led ably by Señora Augustina, and elections for 2010, which led to the election of a new president.