Apus Peru Adventure Travel Specialists
Apus Peru Adventure Travel Specialists is a sustainable, responsible and ethical travel agency specializing in alternative treks. Since 2010, Apus Peru has collected $20 from each passenger that does a trek or tour with them, making direct donations to Threads of Peru. These funds are an integral contribution to the success of Threads of Peru; they support capacitation workshops, product development, and personnel salaries, including those of our talented Master Weavers and Quechua translators.
Inca Tops. Providing the optimum quality of Alpaca fibre.
"We have spent more than 60 years trying to understand and define our philosophy of life, which we have called Alpaca is a Lifestyle, in honor of the Peruvian Alpaca: the source of inspiration that drives us to be better each day." We have developed a connection with Inca Tops in our passion for sourcing high quality fibers with the aim to deliver high-end textile producs to our customers while creating a more sustainable production chain.
Awards & Affiliations

Common Objective
In January 2022, Threads of Peru was awarded with the CO Leadership Award, run by Common Objective (CO), rewards excellence in sustainable fashion business. Read more about the criteria need to obtain this award and that Threads of Peru has accomplished to be considered for it.

Directorio Sustentable.
"Directorio Sustentable is a digital platform looking to the future. Those featured are people who inspire us: local producers, artisans, farmers, entrepreneurs, organizations and companies on the sustainability route who demonstrate it in their quality management and innovation capacity."
Alliance for Artisan Enterprise
"Members of the Alliance for Artisan Enterprise work together to promote the full potential of artisan enterprise around the world. The Alliance leverages the collective strength of its members to break down barriers commonly faced in the artisan sector. The mission of the Alliance is to support the power and potential of the artisan sector to create jobs, increase incomes, enhance cultural heritage and promote development that respects the uniqueness of people and place."