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Threads of Peru Blog

Women of the Andes

Women of the Andes

 women of the andes, Threads of Peru,  Peruvian women,  Quechua women, Peruvian women, Indigenous women

There are moments when something you read stops you in your tracks, brings a tear to your eye, and takes you to that place.    Thank you to Alexa Jones, Threads of Peru Volunteer, 2014 who in her introduction to her Dyes report,  makes this lovely and evocative dedication to the women of the Andes.

 women of the andes, Threads of Peru,  Peruvian women,  Quechua women, Peruvian women, Indigenous women

“The women that Threads of Peru work with are charming, gracious, witty, stubborn and as unpredictable as the mountains. They are tied to the Earth in ways that we have long since forgotten, bright-eyed affirmations of life in a place constantly trying to dim their light.

They work magic from their fingertips, pulling vibrant colors from the dark soil and soft yarns from fickle animals, transforming what the Earth gives them into gorgeous textiles.

Each piece is a story told not with words, but with eyes and fingertips, stories that you can wrap around you to keep warm at night.”

 Women of the Andes,  Threads of Peru women,  empowering women, Peruvian women's projects


Please take a look at the Threads of Peru store for beautiful products created by these Indigenous Quechua women.