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Threads of Peru Blog

Let's Design a Brighter Future for Andean Weavers

Let's Design a Brighter Future for Andean Weavers

Did you hear? We’re having a fundraiser!


We’re raising funds to bring New York-based designer Jennie Lyutskanov back to Peru to work with us for a second year. Thanks to Nest, we were able to work with Jennie last year and the result far exceeded our expectations: not only did she design a beautiful collection of hand-woven accessories and home textiles, but her work has resulted in an enormous increase in work for the weavers.

In just one community, the weavers have seen a 342% increase in income! Naturally, we’re eager to bring her back, but we need YOUR HELP to do so!


Why is working with Jennie so important? Weaving is an excellent, home-based activity that women in rural Andean communities can do to earn an income. It keeps a centuries-old culture alive, empowers women to earn their own income and offers them leadership opportunities within their weaving associations, all without disrupting their traditional way of life.


That’s why we’re running a fundraising campaign on Start Some Good, and we need all the help we can get!

We need to raise $5000 by July 25th in order to turn this dream into reality and Design a Brighter Future for indigenous women in the Peruvian Andes.


How can you help out?


By donating! It may not seem like it, but even $10 will go a long way towards helping us meet our goal. And your contribution will not go unnoticed! We’re offering rewards for every donation made – from a hand-written thank you note all the way to a personalized, behind-the-scenes tour of our work in one of the weaving communities. You can even name your very own alpaca! Head on over to our campaign page for more details and the full list of rewards on offer.


Our Senkapa alpaca wrap bracelets are one of the rewards on offer during our fundraising campaign!


We are so grateful for every donation, that we’ll even thank you by name on our social media pages and on our website.


By spreading the word. Tell your friends! Tell your neighbors! Tell your friendly corner grocer! Anyone and everyone you know who might be interested in Peru, traditional culture, the handmade movement, ethical fashion, textiles, or empowering women – and invite them to check out our campaign page!


By following us on social media! We’ll be posting regularly on our Instagram and Facebook pages, so this is another great way to stay informed, and spread the message by re-posting our campaign-related posts.


Better products = more sales, providing a sustained income for women artisans living in remote indigenous communities and renewed pride in their cultural heritage, and their skills as weavers.


Help us design a brighter future for our artisans and their communities by donating to our campaign today!