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Threads of Peru Blog

How Alpaca makes me feel….

It’s wonderful to step into a room feeling that you look your best.  Perhaps you have had your hair done, or maybe you are wearing a new jacket – but you feel attractive and confident, you feel that the world is at your feet.

Wearing alpaca gives me that feeling.  I like stepping out into the world wearing alpaca, because of the way it makes me feel.

I was in Melbourne recently for a series of business meetings.  Melbourne is a city perpetually in Autumn, with crisp days and scatterings of orange and red coloured leaves  – and so I dressed in a business like grey jacket teamed with a grey alpaca scarf…  As I shook people’s hands, I felt in control and confident.   The indigenous Peruvian design on the scarf was striking, different and unique –and so I felt that I was apart from the crowd before I had even started the meeting. That’s how alpaca makes me feel.

Winter weddings are so difficult to dress for, because most formal dresses are sleeveless and light, and I always feel it’s a shame to cover a gorgeous dress with a jacket - it somehow doesn’t feel right. But recently I tried out my beautiful purple and pink alpaca women’s poncho wrapped over a black gown and I felt like a million dollars. Alpaca is super warm, and it hugs your body in a way that feels like an embrace.  It drapes beautifully and I simultaneously felt elegant, stylish and yet snug. That’s how alpaca makes me feel.

Now that summer is upon us in Australia, we have our monthly Farmer’s markets in our local town.  I picked out one of my larger tote bags, feeling good about myself because I was going out with an environmentally friendly, handmade organic product. Several times people admired the bag, touching the fabrics and the design – and it made me feel proud for making such a savvy choice. That’s how alpaca makes me feel. 

Over the years, I have owned a number of different alpaca items – and whenever I have worn those items I have felt… special, elegant, regal, ethical, attractive, warm, caressed and amazing.

That's how alpaca makes me feel. 

Ariana Svenson Co Founder