Threads of Peru is pleased to announce that their recent funding application to the UK-based charity, the LATA Foundation was successful.
The LATA foundation is dedicated to promoting sustainable development in Latin America and responsible business practices in the tourism industry. It was originally conceived and set up by members of the Latin American Travel Association (LATA) and is overseen by an independent board of Trustees.
Threads of Peru submitted a comprehensive application (compiled by Canadian volunteer Calina Ellwand) which outlined history of the project, specific details of projects this year, and also our goals through to 2016, when we plan the project will have become self sustaining.
LATA´s funding of $3,000 is funding the purchasing of dyes for the dying workshops and equipment such as measuring tapes, triangles, markers, needles, and sewing machines. The final project funded by the LATA Foundation (for the end of the year) is the establishment of a native plants dye garden.
The LATA Foundation funding is only for material items, therefore the remainder of the costs for the monthly workshops (payment of teachers, transport, translators, meals and other incidentals) still remains with Threads of Peru. (If you would like to support us please refer to http://www.threadsofperu.com/get-involved/)
Threads of Peru would like to thank the LATA Foundation for their funding, and confidence in our projects.
For further information about the LATA Foundation, please see www.latafoundation.org